Thursday, December 9, 2010

Red Red Wine

Heads up, the Author of this post has consumed 4, maybe 5, glasses of Red Wine.  It worked for Hemingway, right?

Some thoughts on some things:

The Blog
Posts have been few and far between of late.  Shortly before Thanksgiving, during Thanksgiving, and after Thanksgiving, I had some personal, family, and business obligations to attend to.  I had to focus on those things which didn't leave much time for anything else.  I could either press on with going to the gym and continue working on my health or write the blog.  Of course, I chose to let the blog slide.  I had too.

In addition to not having enough time to focus on the blog, I felt stuck -- there are only so many ways that you can say that you are going to the gym.  The last two posts I needed to write for me, for my family.  After that, writing about losing weight didn't seem as important.

Going forward, I still want to write at least twice a week.  I love writing and I have things that I want to say, so I'll find the time to do it.

The Country
Today, was a horrible day for America.  DADT, Tax Cuts, D.R.E.A.M. Act, Volume Levels for Commercials... Instead of making some positive changes in the policies of our country, our leaders, that we elected, have done nothing.  Instead of addressing some of the major issues of our day, that could include people, we chose to keep them out.  Instead of making history, we kept with the status quo.  It makes me sick.

I am a lower Middle Class American, the son of Immigrants, with friends and family that are gay, who has a remote control that adjust the volume on his television.  Today, my government did nothing to help me, and everything to piss me off...Fuck this, lets move on...

An Angry Mexican Guy in Chicago will be back in a second.  The author, having read the last two paragraphs has slammed his wine and is on his way to get more.  Please enjoy this message from our sponsor:

Taco & Burrito House - Just Good Food

The Women
Um...Nope, not that drunk.  Lets keep going.

The Friends
I...Well...Um...You know...Right?  Yea...You know.

I love you all.

The Family
I...Well...Um...You know...Right?  Yea...You know.

I love you all.

The End
The wine caught up with me.  If you see above, I think it happened when I went to Google the picture for the Burrito House.   That is it for now.  

I'll be back soon.


Peas piece peace. 

Hemingway is a fucking G.  Writing is tough when your drunky. Really tough.