Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Adios, Amigos

This will be the last post to I make to this blog.

I'm just not that angry anymore.

At the time I started this blog, I was an angry Mexican guy in Chicago. It made perfect sense to piggy back off Don Hall's blog, An Angry White Guy in Chicago, and carry my own angry torch, in my own angry way. For a while, it was a great thing for me. I had an outlet for some of the things that were driving me fucking crazy in politics, religion and theatre. I could document my adventures in weight loss and all of that aggravation that goes with it. I had a place to live and revel in and enjoy my anger. It was fun.

And then it wasn't.

As time passed, and my life changed, as time passes and lives change, I realized that I wasn't as angry as I once was. I didn't have that energy. I didn't have that focus.

I would return to this space, ready to write about this, that, or the other thing and I felt stuck. Some of the things I wanted to write about didn't fit the Angry Mexican Guy in Chicago mold that I had carved out for myself. So I wouldn't write. I was turning myself into the Stagnant Mexican Guy in Chicago.

Fuck that shit.

In the coming weeks, I will start a new blog. I am not sure what the name will be. I am not sure what I will write about. At times it may still be very angry. It will also be sad. And boring. And offensive. And sexy. And happy. And funny. And all of the things that I am.

It will be about a guy in Chicago, and all of the things that I am.

Thanks to everyone that followed the on and off rantings I made in this space. Your comments and support always meant the world to me. I hope, when I come back around, you'll be there with me again.

Catch you on the flip.


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