Monday, November 1, 2010

I Shot The Stairs, But I Did Not Shoot The Deputy

Over the weekend, I helped a friend move.

Normally I am not a fan of helping people move.  I mean, I wouldn't mind doing it -- I'm always down to help a friend -- the actual moving of the things that friend owned, though,  that I hated.

Especially when flights of stairs are involved.

Stairs and I have never gotten along very well.  They always seemed like a necessary evil.  My ability to fly has not developed as well as I had hoped would happen when I was kid.  (Seriously, I could fly.  You can't prove that I couldn't.)  As such, I was developed a Love/Hate relationship with stairs -- the more stairs there were that had to be climbed, the more I hated them.  The only stairs I Loved, were escalators.  Normally, the very thought of climbing up and down flights of stairs, carrying heavy boxes over and over and over again would make me lose my breath.

I don't do normally anymore, though.

This time the prospect of helping a friend move, from a third floor apartment to a second floor apartment seem like a good challenge.  I was going to turn this move into a test.  I was curious to see how my body would respond to the task.

I am thrilled to report it was the greatest move I have ever been apart of.

The move itself was fairly simple.  There wasn't a lot of stuff to move and there were a lot of hands around to do it, so that was good.  In my mind, the most challenging part was going to be going up and down those three flights of stairs but it wasn't.  Not anymore.  I rarely ran out of breath.  I didn't really break to much of a sweat (certainly not like the buckets that would pour out of me in the past).  When we were done, my body hardly felt sore at all.

All of these things amazed me.  It was so refreshing and energizing to know I could know help someone move without fear that I might have a heart attack an hour into the move.  The more that I went up and down without feeling how I had in the past, the more that I wanted to keep going.  I would have moved 5 apartments yesterday.  I felt so great.  So, damn great!!!

I am starting to redefine the relationship I have with stairs, and everything else really.  Stairs are no longer the obstacle they once were.  Nothing is the obstacle it once was.  From here on out, I am going to run full speed at things that once gave me pause.

I can't explain how amazing that feels.

This is the thought that I am going to carry with me to this Monday's weigh in because regardless what the scale says, I know I won this week.

(I did and you can't prove otherwise.  You can't.)

I'll let ya know how it goes.

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