Friday, October 22, 2010

The Body and The Brain

The Body
Soreness doesn't photograph well.
My body, from the waist down, is extremely sore.  Before Wednesday, I had never done work outs for my legs, so they are experiencing a level of pain and discomfort that I have never felt before.  I am not injured or hurt -- I can tell the difference between the two.  However, the lack of excercise to those muscles meant that I had never felt this.  It knocked me on my ass yesterday.

I recovered well enough.  Today, I still felt sore.  Though, not nearly as much as yesterday, so I went back to the gym, after taking the day off yesterday.  My body needed the break.  As far as the work outs go, and the diet plan, I am still on track.

I can understand the changes in my body.  I know why it hurts, wherever it may hurt, whenever it may hurt.  I know why it feels really good when things don't hurt.  I know why they feel better than they did before.  It is that understanding that helps me get through the pain.

Its a different story with my brian, though.

The Brain
Something is going on with my brain.  It too is changing.

The emotions and feelings that come with bettering your physical condition are something that I am not sure I was prepared for, nor something that I fully understand.  I feel happier, more confident, less anxious.  It stands to reason that physical health improvements could lead to better mental health, of course -- I understand that.  But to experience it is a whole new thing.

The feeling of self confidence that you can gain when you move your body thru the world in a new way I can only compare to the feeling I had when I learned to ride a two wheel bike.  Knowing that I was now able to move thru the world in a way I had never been able to before was an amazing feeling.  When you only know how to walk or run, riding a bike, without your sister holding the seat and running behind you feels like flying.

I feel like I am flying again.

I'll give you an example:

I stand differently than I did before, because I feel stronger.  I am carrying less weight, on a stronger frame.  Because of that, when I stand, waiting for a bus, or on a trian, I feel like I am standing more comfortably, more relaxed.  Because I feel comfortable and relaxed, I stand a bit straighter, a bit taller.  Standing tall, maybe a metaphor, but when you are ACTUALLY standing tall, you feel tall.  You feel strong.  You feel confident.  You feel powerful.  That feels great.

All of those feelings just from standing!  There are so many new experiences and feelings that I have now, that I couldn't possibly explain them all on here.  

I wasn't expecting this from my brain but man am I enjoying it.

Seeya, Monday for Weigh In #2!

1 comment:

  1. Check out some L-Glutamine supplements to help you out with the soreness. That stuff helps your body synthesize protein more quickly, thus helping the micro-tears you create when stronging heal more quickly.
