Friday, October 15, 2010

The Greatest BBQ Potato Chip I've Ever Had

Love, thy name is BBQ Chip

I just had the greatest BBQ Potato Chip I have ever eaten in my life.  

It was from a bag of Jimmy Chips, the kind you get at Jimmy Johns.  It was sweet, salty, a bit tangy, and crunchy.  After that chip, I ate the shit out of the rest of the bag.  MAX'd um.  I savored every one of those damn chips. 

Every. Last. One. 

I earned that bag of chips.  

I went to the gym 5 days this week.  I drank more water those five days than I have in the last 10 years.  (I could be wrong here, but I don't think I am.)  I ate good breakfasts, everyday. I ate smart and healthy, everyday.  I didn't eat 5 hours before bed.  I snacked on fruits and nuts.  I deprived myself.  (I had no brownies this week.  None.  That's right -- I am a bad ass.)  I took the stairs to the train every time.  (Yo, escalators at the Western stop of the Brown Line -- Where you at now, punks?) I did my part.

And you know what...

I feel fucking GREAT.

Its only been a week in and while I may not look different, I feel different.  

I have more energy.  See, you work out, your body gets stronger, you do the shit you always do, with a stronger body and you get less tired. Less tired = More Energy.  I work a physical job, in a hot kitchen, tossing around boxes, pans, and pots, all night long.  Usually when I get out of work, I feel sore, and tired all over.  My body is a bit stronger this week than last, and I can totally feel the difference.  Not as sore, not as tired.  Its a dream.

I sleep so well.  Apparently, your body can't  focus as well on rest when you are sleeping if it is trying to digest 3 cans of Coke, a Whopper, some fries, and a brownie.  (Yes, I have eaten that before bed before.  I know, I know... I think its fucking ridiculous now too.)  If, on the other hand, your tummy is empty and at rest, your body which -- doesn't need as much energy because you are fucking sleeping -- can just rest.  You wake up so happy, so refreshed.  Really, you do.

I am confident.  I am going to do this.  I feel too good, and put in too much work this week to piss it all away on a brownie, with ice cream, and whipped cream, and sprinkles, and a cherry, and chocolate sauce.... (NO!!! Fuck!  See how it happens.  Must focus.)  

I am confident that I will do this, I have a new relationship with food and exercise.  Food is the energy I require to live my daily life, nothing more.  Exercise is the method by which I will ensure that my body is as strong and healthy as I need it to be so that I can live my daily life, nothing more.  Let's be pragmatic, not dramatic.

Wait, that is not entirely true...

Some days, probably once a week, I will allow food to be just a little bit more.  A treat.  A little reward for taking care of myself.  Not as an incentive for this year, but for the rest of my life.  If I am going to lose weight and keep it off, its not just about this year, but every year after that as well.  So, yea, from time to time, I will indulge, especially if I put in the work to earn it.

This week, it was a bag of BBQ Jimmy Chips and man let me tell you...  

That was the greatest potato chip I ever had.

For Monday

Weigh In #1, Renaming The Blog, and Who is Whitney 

Stay tuned...

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