Wednesday, October 13, 2010

No News Is Good News

I wrote a post yesterday, so there really is nothing new to report here.  I just told myself that I would post M-W-F, and well... Today is Wednesday.

I went to the gym earlier.  My upper body still felt really sore from the first two days.  I'm easing back into things so I just stretched out and went on a 45 min stationary bike ride.  Love a good sweat, so that was fun.

One thing I will say, though, since we are here anyway:  Today was boring and felt tough.

I woke up sore, and it was rainy -- Gloom does not inspire one to workout.  I knew this would happen, so I didn't let it stop me, just kind of ignored the old me saying "Bah, sit down, its raining.  Fuck that."  I knew the initial excitement of the blog, and the decision to do this would wear off and that the realization that I signed up for something really fucking difficult would hit me.  I didnt think it would come this quick, though.

I don't think it has, actually.  Maybe I am just in a bad mood, maybe my body is adjusting, maybe I just want to be lazy.

Whatever the case, I still did what I had to do.  (I got the last 12 minutes in.)

So if anything, there is that.  


  1. lol the first thing i thought of when i woke up i was like. it's rainy! i wanna go workout.. no joke. but then i didn't cause i didn't want to walk through the rain. :P keep at it!!! but don't totally deprive yourself.. you'll give up waaay faster that way. i found that buying food in single portions is helpful to me. and i only buy one.. so I'm forced to walk to the store next time i want it or starve. lol

  2. Ah, great tip! I hear ya about the depriving myself. I am allowing myself a diet coke or a coke zero with meals.

    I love Coke way too much, so a little of a healthier version for now seems like a good compromise AND a tasty treat.

    That reminds me, I need to go buy some fruit!
